49 Thirty two

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Partnering Schools, properly…

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

– African Proverb


I love this quotation, speaking so eloquently as it does about the nature of teamwork and what we can achieve together. When one considers that our team is primarily made up of Heads and school leaders, then it’s probably easy to see why we think this is an essential ingredient in the formation of our ethos. We work in and with schools every day and we know the pressures schools and their leadership teams face through experience. For example, the vacancy that somehow just can’t get filled or the last minute resignation are all the joyous experiences we have also faced at various times in our careers. We know how helpful it would be, in addition to your own networks, if you had another support mechanism who might just have the answer you need and at a price that won’t break the bank. Yes, we understand that recruitment can be a little expensive and we are committed to keep this as low as possible so you keep more of your budget for your own school. In addition, having potential new staff interviewed and recommended by experienced Heads and Senior leaders is also our way of simplifying recruitment to make things easier (and quicker) should you want it.

You can imagine that after 30 years of experience, encompassing International Headships, inspection and teaching, there are very few things we haven’t had successful experience in addressing and if you want, we are able to support your school with whatever you tell us you need.  It might only be a day, week or longer but whatever it is, we can be that extra member of your senior or Middle leadership team should you wish it. Do give us a call and we would be delighted to talk about it, Head to Head.


Please feel free to find out more at www.49thirtytwo.com and drop us a line….